Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How To Easily Quit Smoking With Hypnotism Smoking Audios

Have you or a loved one been thinking about quitting smoking and looking for a solution that is simple, convenient, and without the use of drugs or patches? Hypnotism smoking audios allow you to become a non-smoker easily, conveniently, and without putting other harmful drugs in or on your body.

So, how do hypnotism smoking audios work? Simply put, they bypass your analytical and critical conscious side of the brain and tap into the incredibly powerful and open subconscious side of the brain.

The subconscious part of the brain is what allows you to do things on auto pilot without having to think about each step of the process. For example when you first learned to drive a car you had to think about each step of the process from putting your car into drive to using the gas pedal to moving your foot to the brake pedal. You had to think about all of the rules of the road as well. Once you programmed all of this information into your subconscious mind you no longer had to think about each step. You automatically know what to do without thinking about it.

Your subconscious side of the brain holds an infinite amount of information, including thoughts and beliefs about you and smoking. Hypnosis is used to re-program your underlying thoughts and beliefs about smoking and your need to smoke. By re-programming those deeply buried and stubborn thoughts you can become a non-smoker and not just an ex-smoker who may still struggle with the temptation to smoke.

Hypnotism smoking audios allow you to change your subconscious thoughts without the need to use drugs, patches, gum, doctors, and on and on. Those aids simply put a band aid on the problem but don't actually solve it. In fact, a large number of people who try to quit smoking with those aids find that certain triggers make them crave and cave into smoking. When you use hypnotism smoking audios to alter your beliefs, those triggers no longer affect you.

Does hypnosis really work? Can you really use hypnotism smoking audios to quit smoking for good? The answer is an emphatic "yes!" Let me share with you a personal story about how using hypnosis to quit smoking has touched my life.

When I was growing up, both of my parents were chain smokers. Oh, how my sisters and I hated it. I can remember friends asking me if I smoked because my hair and clothes smelled like smoke. To say the least, it was embarrassing. When we would drive in the car together, my parents would crack their windows and light up. I can tell you from first hand experience that the smoke does not "magically" get sucked out into oblivion. I felt like I couldn't breathe, it was horrible.

We were constantly on my parents about quitting, but to no avail. We actually snuck little poppers into their cigarettes so that when they lit up, their cigarette would explode. Oh boy, did they get mad! Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to get them to stop smoking.

My dad tried a few times to quit with no success and my mom had absolutely no desire to stop. Eventually, after years and years of smoking, my dad was able to convince my mom to at least try hypnosis. They did it together and it WORKED! They both became non-smokers and never picked up another cigarette again. That was over 20 years ago. They didn't put harmful drugs in or on their bodies in order to quit. They didn't replace smoking with food and go through any weight gain problems. They also didn't go through the agitated and angry phase. They simply became non-smokers.

Your subconscious mind is an unbelievably powerful machine and when given the chance is capable of astounding feats. When you use hypnotism smoking audios to tap into this part of the brain you can achieve tremendous success in your endeavors. It's easy, convenient, and inexpensive. You can use the untapped power of your subconscious mind to alter your behavior for good. Do it for yourself and do it for those you love.
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